Class for the heart
THE ESSENTIALS | full bundle
​Discover how to use proper breath to improve your dancing (core stability, flexibility, endurance, nerves)
N.B - this is the content from the ESSENTIALS | BREATH program.
Pain free ​stretching techniques with options to suit your level​​​
Injury prevention must know strategies - stabilise and strengthen the body
Alignment and technique fine-tuning
How to improve confidence during movement sessions - it's easier than you think
Performance mindset​​​​​​​​​​​
what you'll learn
3 hours of masterclass mastery ...
5 x 15-minute dancer insight videos
4 x 25-minute UPLIFT classes: All focus on flexibility, mobility, alignment,
dance science, and mindset
Printable guidebook
Bonus #1 - motivational tracker
Bonus #2 - community vibes
Bonus #3 - access via APP
Bonus #4 - mentor support (through messenging)